Thursday, December 6, 2012

This one's for Daisy and Papa Henry

Remember my story about Daisy? Not going to the dog tracks in a thunderstorm? This one is for her. Daisy and Papa Henry are the only people I know who really and truly picked cotton, Daisy picked one morning, had her baby, went back out for the afternoon. I grew up with cotton fields all around--not outside my window, but a little drive could get you there. PH , on the other hand, spent every Friday down at the farm. He jumped in grain bins, played with tractors, learned to drive in the fields,as a teenager took girlfriends out there  (LC, farm manager who'd watched him grow up, said, "Hanh, hanh ! TELL me she's your cousin!")

 Jesus gonna be here.

  I didn't pick cotton, but I grew up where cotton was king (along with Elvis.)

He gonna be here  soon
.He gonna cover us up with leaves
 with a blanket from the moon.

I'm gonna leave this place better than the way that I found it was.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Loved Ed's homily! He's got it nailed, as ever! Merry Christmas, all Willses!
